2023 going on 2024

Matthew M. - 9 months ago - 270 Views

Happy New Year Everyone

2023 has been a awesome and goal breaking year for all of us at SAFR and URP

I am very happy with each and everyone of you who has helped SAFR become what it is now and continue to strive to make SAFR the community that it is and more.

Member of the Months

I would like to take the time in thanking each and every one of our Member of the Months

Jan, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct all have no members of the month 😦(

Please keep the nominations coming in throughout the new year as I would like to thank 12 members this time next year


We have had a 66.67% member increase in 2023 from previous years. Thats more than 13 members. Lets strive to get 50%+ this time next year so 15 members more!


56 Applications submitted and 48 Approved! that’s a 74% approval rate

Hours In Game

A WHOPPING 452 Hours 49 Minutes and 57 Seconds patrolled as DPS (From Approved Patrol Logs)

A MASSIVE 154 Hours 19 Minutes patrolled as Civilian (Approved Patrol Logs)

That’s 629 Hours patrolled both as Civilian and DPS (Approved and Denied Logs) ((606 Hours for approved logs))


91 citizens created 2 of which have BOLOs and 7 Arrested 130 Vehicles created 8 of which are in BOLO

Lets keep up the good work and continue in 2024. Happy New Year and safe partying for 2024 🎉

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